If the hole in your wall is too large to fix with RK Plasterplugs the next best option is to use one of our Wall Patches for the job. They consist of a fibre net and an aluminium plate which ensures the strength of the repair. The aluminium plate has been punched through with holes to ensure that the filler goes also through the patch.
If you've ever had a hole in your drywall, you know how difficult it is to repair. And there are as many "best practices" for repairing a hole in a drywall as there are holes and each of them claims to be the best.
You will always get cuts and bruises in life and the same goes for your wall. Little cracks and scratches will appear, even in new houses. But you shouldn't have to worry about it. They're easy and fast to repair. Once you start, you'll even want to do them all at once.
You should take care when jointing as it affects both the density and look of the wall. You can choose to limit the work to just jointing or finish the entire wall surface. You can do the job with just Universal Filler but we recommend to use both Joint Filler and Jointing Tape as this will give you a better finish.